Home PSElectricityMaps Released

PSElectricityMaps Released

The PSElectricityMaps module has been released! This module allows you to query the Electricity Maps API to get the carbon emissions of a given Azure region. At this time the endpoint and required user account are still located at CO2signal.com, but these will be migrated to ElectricityMaps.com in the near future by ElectrityMaps. I use the module in infrastructure-as-code test deployments to ensure that we are not deploying to regions with high carbon emissions when the only purpose is to test the deployment itself.

Getting Started

To get started, you can install the module from the PowerShell Gallery:

Install-Module PSElectricityMaps

Register an account at CO2signal.com and login to Azure Powershell:


Then you can query the API for the carbon emissions of a given Azure region:

Get-ElectricityMapsForAzureRegion -Region westeurope -AuthToken <YOUR_CO2SIGNAL_TOKEN>
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