
PSRule module for Azure DevOps available for feedback

I have been a long time user of Azure DevOps and I have been using the Microsoft PSRule module for checking my Bicep templates for quite a while now. I like the flexible rule engine allowing to che...

Azure DevOps Pipeline agent image released

Microsoft Hosted Azure DevOps agents are great for CI/CD in most projects with the extensive built-in set of popular tools. In practice however, their usability is limited because the Microsoft Hos...

Perform energy intensive Power BI dataset refreshes when carbon emissions are low

Recently I released the carbon-appinsights project. This project allows you to log emissions data from ElectricityMaps.com to an Application Insights instance. Today I released a first sample that ...

Carbon AppInsights released - A new way to trigger actions based on emissions data

Want to trigger Azure Logic Apps and Power Automate flows based on carbon emissions data? The Carbon AppInsights project has been released on GitHub! This project allows you to query the Carbon em...

Microsoft Learn launches new learning experience: Rooms

Microsoft Learn Rooms has been announced this week and it seems to be a very exciting new blended learning experience for anyone looking to develop cloud skills in a supportive environment with pee...

PSWattTime Released

The PSWattTime module has been released! This module allows you to query the WattTime.org API to get the carbon emissions of a given Azure region. I use the module in infrastructure-as-code test de...

PSElectricityMaps Released

The PSElectricityMaps module has been released! This module allows you to query the Electricity Maps API to get the carbon emissions of a given Azure region. At this time the endpoint and required ...